
Dr. Kay McMonigal (he/him or they/them)

Dr. McMonigal is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He grew up in Tacoma, Washington, received a BA from Northwestern University in Chicago, and a PhD from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami. His PhD focused on combining different types of ocean observational data to estimate a time varying heat budget of the Indian Ocean. Dr. McMonigal's postdoctoral training was at NC State University, working with Dr. Sarah Larson. This work focused on using models to determine the role of changes in the wind driven ocean circulaton onto historical and projected climate change. He is now interested in combining models and observations, to better improve estimates of global and Arctic climate change. He is also committed to improving diversity in oceanography. One key focus is improving the experiences of underrepresented people on research vessels. See a recent preprint on experiences of transgender scientists at sea here.

Jaclyn Beight (she/her)

Starting August 2023, Jackie started as a PhD student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks under Dr. Kay McMonigal. She grew up in rural Indiana where she earned her BS in Biology (Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental) from Purdue University. After working in livestock nutrient for 5 years, she returned to school to earn her MA in Marine Science from Jacksonville University. Her research interests center around the intersection of physical oceanography and climate change. She is currently studying Bering Strait transport predictions using climate models. She is also invested in sharing her knowledge to the general public..